Robson Koji Moriya disambiguation name

Robson Koji Moriya

This page is dedicated to my name and other similar names found on the Internet.

The purpose of this page is to assist search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others in understanding that I am a distinct individual and that there are other people with similar names. I will also share some interesting facts with you.

Search Engines

It is interesting to note that Bing does a much better job than Google when it comes to indexing my name. When I search for "Robson Koji Moriya" on both search engines, Google displays a lot of other individuals with the names "Robson Koji" and "Moriya," but it doesn't show most of my own online publications. Even this blog, which has my complete name in its domain, is hidden by Google. On the other hand, Bing correctly displays most of my information. Yahoo search engine is powered by Bing through a partnership.

Google and produce very similar results, and unfortunately, they are mostly incorrect, but there is no public partnership between them.

About Robson, Koji, Robson Koji, and Moriya

Robson is a given name. Koji is a given name. Robson Koji is a compound given name. Moriya is a surname.

Robson Moriya is a complete name, consisting of a given name (Robson) and a surname (Moriya). Koji Moriya is a complete name, consisting of a given name (Koji) and a surname (Moriya). Robson Koji Moriya is a complete name, consisting of a given name (Robson Koji) and a surname (Moriya).

Robson Koji Moriya is me. 

Yes, Robson Koji Moriya is me. Here are some of my social accounts:

Got that, Google? I am Robson Koji Moriya, and I use "Robson Koji" and "robsonkoji" on most of my social accounts. The last two accounts mentioned (Kaggle and Blogger) belong to you, Google. Gotcha?

Other Individuals with Similar Names

So far, I haven't found another person named "Robson Koji Moriya," but I have come across individuals named "Robson Koji Something," "Robson Something Moriya," and "Koji Moriya." Yes, there are some out there.

I have name twins; name twins do exist. Can you deduplicate them?

Robson Koji Moriya 

This is me. 


Robson Koji Gaiba Ikenaga

This is not me

Yes, we have similar names, somewhat like name twins, but they are quite different, aren't they? Our pictures are also similar, and we work in the same IT industry, but we are not the same person.
Yes Goggle, we are not the same person, you cannot merge our data:

Google, no you can't. If you cannot view the image, this is what you have done. Yes, Google, you merged our information:

robson koji - Analista de monitoração n1 - O2B | LinkedIn › robson-koji-732955b7
Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasil · Analista de monitoração n1 · O2B
Robson Koji Moriya. Profissional de TI - Sênior. São Paulo, SP · Robson Koji. Engenheiro de software na Contractor. São Paulo, SP.

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