Machine Learning - Moving Linear Regression
About the Moving Linear Regression This type of regression to be used when data of sub periods are different inside periods. For example, hours of day, days of week, months of year. For example, the variance of the frequency of people in a commercial mall varies when comparing the days of the week. The same applies to an amount of cars on downtown or roads when comparing the days in a week, or even when comparing months, due to holidays and vacancies. The chart bellow displays a seven year Moving Linear Regression applied to each month, for the number of ongoing research projects. About the data The data is public available on the open government initiative of the State of São Paulo - Brazil. State of São Paulo / Brazil - Transparency Portal Disclaimer - The sole purpose of this presentation is to carry out tests with machine learning, using public and open data to improve the use of technology for future application in the FAPESP Virtual Library. ...