
Showing posts from December, 2022

Design Patterns - Observer

Design Patterns - Observer A simple Python code example to illustrate the Observer Pattern for an ETL-like scenario. The "Extract Microservice" observes changes in a data source and notifies its registered observers (data extractors) to perform data extraction. We'll use a basic Publisher-Subscriber pattern to demonstrate the concept of the Observer Pattern. Observer interface class Observer: def update(self, data): pass Extract Microservice (Subject) class ExtractMicroservice: def __init__(self): self.observers = [] def register_observer(self, observer): self.observers.append(observer) def unregister_observer(self, observer): self.observers.remove(observer) def notify_observers(self, data): for observer in self.observers: observer.update(data) def start_extraction(self): # Simulate data extraction process data = ["Data 1", "Data 2", "Data 3",...

Design Patterns - Adapter

Design Patterns - Adapter The Adapter design pattern is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces, converting the interface of one class into another interface that clients expect. This pattern enables classes to collaborate that otherwise wouldn't be able to due to their incompatible interfaces. Let's say we have an existing client code that expects a certain interface to interact with a target class. However, we want to use a different class that has a different interface. Instead of modifying the client code or the existing class, we can introduce an adapter class that implements the expected interface and internally delegates the calls to the different class. The components of the Adapter pattern are: Target: This is the interface that the client code expects to interact with. It defines the operations that the client can use. Adaptee: This is the existing clas...

Design Patterns - Command

Design Patterns - Command Behavioral Pattern The Command design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that encapsulates a request or action as an object, allowing you to parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations The concrete command classes (TurnOnCommand and TurnOffCommand) implement the Command interface and are associated with the Light receiver. Each concrete command encapsulates a specific action. This example demonstrates how the Command pattern separates the requester of an action (the invoker) from the object that performs the action (the receiver), allowing different commands to be executed dynamically. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod # Command interface class Command(ABC): @abstractmethod def execute(self): pass # Receiver class class Light: def turn_on(self): print("Light is on.") def turn_off(self): print("Light is off.") # Concrete comman...